One of the most severe offenses in New York is criminal possession of a weapon. The New York Penal Code's definition of “deadly weapon” includes any loaded weapon that can readily produce death or other serious injuries when shot. There are legal consequences for...
How to fight your traffic ticket
Even if you are a safe and skilled driver, the stress of everyday life can cause your mind to wander, and you may wind up with a traffic citation. These charges may be worth fighting against. Rather than pleading guilty to a New York ticket, paying the expensive fine...
Can you refuse a DWI test in New York?
New York takes driving while intoxicated seriously. According to the New York DMV, the minimum first-time DWI penalty is a fine of between $500 and $1000 and up to one year in jail. Also, you can expect a six-month suspension of your license. Remember that despite the...
How a DWI can affect your college career
A first-time charge of driving while intoxicated is a misdemeanor, and a conviction results in a lifetime criminal record. A criminal conviction alters your life in many ways you may not realize, such as impacting your opportunities for higher education. Applying to...
Common drug penalties
A drug charge in New York may carry a range of penalties. The classification of drug and amount possessed determine how the authorities proceed with prosecution and sentence. The classification of dangerous substances (CDS) ranges from less harmful in Schedule V all...
The lasting impact of a criminal conviction during college
If your college student receives charges for a criminal offense such as driving while intoxicated, your first concern is probably for his or her future. Convictions can affect finances, job eligibility, education and many other areas. Review the possible penalties for...
New York ranks low in DWI accidents
Getting caught driving while intoxicated in New York may carry some strict legal repercussions. The way law enforcement goes about clearing the streets of impaired drivers may account for the low DWI crash statistics for the state. Facing a DWI is not a pleasant...
4 things you may not know about ignition interlock devices
Following a conviction for driving while intoxicated, you likely have a legal requirement to install an ignition interlock device on your car, truck or SUV. The device requires you to submit a breath sample both before starting the engine and periodically during your...
Know your options when you get a traffic ticket
Most people get a traffic ticket at one time or another. Ignoring this citation will compound the problem, adding extra penalties and possibly resulting in a warrant. Review your options when facing a traffic ticket for speeding, running a red light or another moving...
When is fighting a traffic ticket worth it?
Sometimes, going to court can seem like too much of a hassle if you get a traffic ticket. For example, you may not want to return to New York to address your ticket if you live out of state. However, consider these reasons why it may be worth it to fight your traffic...