One of the most severe offenses in New York is criminal possession of a weapon. The New York Penal Code's definition of “deadly weapon” includes any loaded weapon that can readily produce death or other serious injuries when shot. There are legal consequences for...
Personal Attention, Proven Results
Common drug penalties
A drug charge in New York may carry a range of penalties. The classification of drug and amount possessed determine how the authorities proceed with prosecution and sentence. The classification of dangerous substances (CDS) ranges from less harmful in Schedule V all...
The lasting impact of a criminal conviction during college
If your college student receives charges for a criminal offense such as driving while intoxicated, your first concern is probably for his or her future. Convictions can affect finances, job eligibility, education and many other areas. Review the possible penalties for...
Can you receive student aid if you have been convicted of a crime?
For many students, financial aid is what makes it possible to attend college. However, when those students have a criminal record, it may seem impossible to get the help they need to afford higher education. While many believe that having a criminal record prevents...